Friday, November 28, 2008


Developmental milestones give a general idea about what to expect from children of different ages. However, there will always be differences between individual children. Some children begin to walk at 10 months, some at 15 months. Some toddle along quickly and smoothly, getting the "hang of it" right away. Others fall down a lot, hesitate, or even give up for a few days. Some children talk before they are 2, others talk very little before they are 3 or so. Some will always be quiet people.
Some abilities become clear in one child, but may never be very strong in another.

Recognize the individual in the child and look for differences based on the following:

Some children need more consistency, more reassurance, and more confidence and trust-building than others. Insecurity sometimes can cause a child to withdraw or behave aggressively.

Some children need more active play than others. They need the opportunity to move around, jump, run, and bounce many times throughout the day. Other children need more quiet time or more rest.

Children are inherently different in their tolerance to noise, activity, visual stimulation, or changes in the environment. An environment that is sensitive to this need in children will provide interesting activities as well as a quiet place to get away from the action.

Some children think quietly through possible solutions to a problem; others push in and try the first idea that occurs to them. Some children are interested in experimenting to find out how objects work; others choose to ask friends or adults for help.

Developmental guidelines should be used as a general rule of thumb. In your work with children, do not confuse earlier or faster development with better development. Early talking by a 1-year-old does not mean that the child will be a chatterbox or a brilliant conversationalist at age 10. Later talking may mean that a toddler is putting more energy into physical growth and motor exploration right now.

Development or the lack of it that falls outside the normal range may indicate a problem that requires attention. You may need to help parents recognize possible problems and special needs, such as poor vision or hearing. Familiarity with developmental norms and with community resources can assist you in helping parents seek professional advice about developmental questions.

Persiapan Sekolah ke Luar Negeri

Perlu persiapan matang dan panjang bila ingin menyekolahkan anak ke luar negeri.

Sebagai orangtua, Anda pasti ingin memberikan pendidikan terbaik bagi si kecil. Tak hanya ingin menyekolahkan si kecil ke sekolah atau perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia, mungkin Anda ingin menyekolahkan si kecil ke luar negeri. Sekolah ke luar negeri memang memiliki beberapa nilai positif. Anda bisa memilih sekolah dengan kualitas terbaik, sekaligus memberikan bekal pengalaman kepada si kecil untuk berinteraksi dengan bermacam latar belakang budaya yang berbeda.

Sayangnya tidak mudah untuk sekolah di luar negeri. Selain biaya pendidikan yang mahal, untuk masuk ke sekolah atau perguruan tinggi dengan kualitas terbaik si kecil harus melalui seleksi yang ketat dan memiliki pengetahuan luas. Selain membekali si kecil dengan pengetahuan yang luas, Anda juga harus mempersiapkan dana pendidikan yang besar.

Hal pertama yang harus diperhitungkan adalah akan disekolahkan di mana si kecil. Berbeda negara tentu akan membutuhkan dana yang berbeda pula. Misalnya si kecil akan disekolahkan di Singapura, tentu biayanya berbeda bila ia sekolah di negara Eropa. Selain standar biaya pendidikan yang berbeda, biaya hidupnya pun berbeda. Faktor biaya hidup ini harus Anda pertimbangkan pula dengan matang, karena jumlah tidak sedikit, atau bahkan lebih besar dari biaya pendidikannya sendiri.

Kedua, perhitungkan biaya pendidikan dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Hal ini bisa berdasarkan kenaikan inflasi di negara tersebut. Misalnya di negara Eropa yang memiliki inflasi kecil, berarti kenaikan biayanya tidak akan sebesar kenaikan biaya pendidikan di Indonesia yang memiliki angka inflasi tinggi. Hitung biaya sekarang dikalikan berapa tahun ke depan si kecil masuk dan inflasi tahunan di negara tersebut. Meski itu bukan hitungan pasti, Anda bisa mendapatkan gambaran kasar berapa kira-kira biaya pendidikan di negara tersebut dalam 10-15 tahun ke depan.

Setelah mengetahui biaya hidup dan perkiraan biaya pendidikan di negara tujuan tersebut dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, Anda tinggal menentukan investasi yang akan Anda pilih untuk mempersiapkan biaya pendidikan si kecil. Anda tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan menabung saja untuk biaya pendidikan si kecil, karena bunga yang didapat kecil. Anda bisa menggabungkan beberapa jenis investasi sekaligus, seperti reksadana hingga saham.

Yang perlu Anda pertimbangkan juga adalah investasi berbasis mata uang setempat. Misalnya Anda akan menyekolahkan si kecil di Jerman, berarti Anda harus menempatkan sebagian uang Anda untuk investasi berbasis mata uang euro, bukan dolar atau poundsterling. Investasi berbasis mata uang setempat sangat pas bila si kecil akan segera berangkat suatu saat nanti, misalnya deposito berbasis euro atau dolar.

Satu hal lagi yang tak kalah penting adalah kedisiplinan Anda dalam berinvestasi. Jangan sampai seperti listrik yang nyala dan kemudian padam saat berinvestasi. Anda harus menyisakan uang secara rutin setiap bulan agar bisa mempersiapkan dana untuk si kecil. Kedisiplinan Anda dalam menyisihkan dana pendidikan bagi si kecil merupakan kunci yang sangat penting untuk mendukung si kecil meraih cita-cita tertingginya.

Persiapan Biaya Preschool

Kapan waktu terbaik menyiapkan dana pendidikan anak? ”Sejak Anda menikah dan berencana punya anak,” kata Antony Japari penulis buku Solusi Cerdas Keuangan Keluarga.

Menurut Antony, begitu menikah, misalnya tahun depan ingin memiliki anak, maka orangtua sudah harus melakukan perencanaan.

Dalam hal ini, rencana pendidikan paling awal adalah preschool. Siapkan dana sesuai kemampuan keuangan Anda. Menurut Antony, ada beberapa langkah yang perlu diperhatikan.

1. Perkirakan preschool mana yang akan Anda pilih. Hitung semua biaya sekolah, ongkos transportasi, dan biaya pendukung lainnya. Semakin detil perhitungan biaya yang Anda bisa dapatkan, semakin jelas bagi Anda mengatur perencanaan. Siapa tahu ada biaya yang bisa disubsitusi atau dikurangi. Misalnya, jika lokasi preschool anak Anda searah dengan kantor suami Anda, berarti Anda bisa mengurangi biaya transportasi berangkat.
2. Tentukan berapa lama lagi biaya tersebut harus dipenuhi. Misalnya anak Anda kini berumur setahun, maka dalam dua atau tiga tahun lagi anak Anda akan masuk preschool.
3. Berarti Anda punya waktu dua atau tiga tahun untuk menyiapkan biaya preschool. Kurun waktu ini bisa Anda manfaatkan dengan menabung atau memilih investasi seperti deposito, reksadana atau asuransi pendidikan.
4. Cari tahu informasi total biaya pendidikan di masa anak Anda masuk preschool. Agar dana yang Anda siapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan biaya pendidikan pada masa tersebut.
5. Lakukan revisi dan evaluasi atas tabungan atau investasi yang Anda pilih. Langkah ini perlu dilakukan mengingat asumsi suku bunga tabungan, deposito, asuransi maupun produk investasi lain bisa berubah. Terlebih untuk mengantisipasi perubahan biaya pendidikan yang biasanya terjadi tiap tahun ajaran.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Moral Education

Moral Education - A New Perspective

For teachers, parents and all concerned with public life, moral education is an indispensable part of children's education. The systematic development of a moral education programme must be regarded as central to the building of a progressive society and a sense of true identity among its future citizens.

There is compelling and conspicuous evidence of widespread social disintegration in the world today. It is characterised by the lack of moral discipline, the increasing breakdown of the family and community, the loss of cultural identity and purposeful traditional values, the rise of lawlessness, and the want of genuine and committed concern for the welfare of humanity. Such social disintegration points to the imperative need for children to receive moral education in school from their earliest years.

Any one believe that the development of moral character constitutes the essential foundation of a true education. The Baha'i writings state: "Good behaviour and high moral character must come first, for unless the character is trained, acquiring knowledge will only prove injurious. Knowledge is praiseworthy when it is coupled with ethical conduct and a virtuous character; otherwise it is a deadly poison, a frightful danger."

Thus, beyond the belief in the importance of providing children with a relevant and excellent academic education, it is the Baha'i view that education must also exercise a transforming influence upon the character of the individual so that intellectual learning may be of genuine benefit to the individual and society.

The approach that the Baha'i community has taken in its education efforts has been to focus on the training of individuals capable of making moral decisions and acting accordingly. Examples of the capabilities that must be developed throughout the stages of growth of an individual are those of: exercising initiative in a creative and disciplined way; sustaining effort, persevering and overcoming obstacles; thinking systemically in the search for solutions; opposing one's lower passions and self-centered tendencies by turning towards one's noble attributes and aspirations and by directing one's energies towards the welfare of society; managing one's affairs and responsibilities with rectitude of conduct; creating environments of unity built on diversity; contributing to the establishment of justice; and participating effectively in consultation and in collective enterprise.

The Baha'is believe that moral capabilities, such as the few mentioned above, cannot be developed in a secular framework of education. An indispensable requisite for developing these capabilities is to establish a connection between the human heart and God, thus enabling the individual to manifest the spiritual qualities with which the human soul has been endowed, such as justice, generosity, love, compassion and truthfulness. The teachings of the religions of the world are the depositories of those truths that assist every human being in establishing a relationship with God and developing these qualities.

Thus, educational programmes addressing the moral dimensions of life draw upon the religious heritage of humanity, particularly the scriptures of the world's religions. This does not mean that such an approach is sectarian in nature. Rather, educational efforts are carried out in the context of the unity of God, the fundamental unity of all religions and the oneness of mankind. An essential concept underlying these programmes is that only an unfettered investigation of truth can free an individual from the chains of blind imitation and prejudice. A primary objective, then, of moral educational curricula is to foster in students the desire, skills and discipline for the systematic investigation of reality.

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