1. The World is a children play
Marzollo, & Lloyd said every child born has a curiosity, imagination has a natural and creative, have the ability to learn, interact with people / objects in the environment. Education must be conducted in accordance with the age level of growth and development, so that children can develop properly. Patmonodewo 2001, in daily life activities play so easily observed, but in some situations be difficult to play with activities not play. Play a limitation as follows: Play is not working; play is ostensibly not something that seriously, not a productive activity and so forth, so the children can play that are formed so that the world is often considered to be real, genuine, productive and resembles the real life. Playing in the framework of school can be described as a continuum that culminate in the free play, play in the guidance and the play ends with the drive. According to Seto Rahmawati in 2001, the play of life is the life of children, and through play they imitate the activities of adults. Play is the beginning of the emergence of creativity. Thus, the atmosphere of play allows individuals to think and act imajinatifdan full power hayal. Thus creativity can be enhanced with the children develop a variety of activities and play atmosphere. Parents and teachers can play an active role to play through the atmosphere to create attitudes appreciate, to give freedom to the children.
2. Touches all aspects of development (Physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and language).
* Physical
Koralek 1995; Syah Armstrong in 1995 and holds the growth and development of the child touches all aspects of development. The development of physical activity is determined on a case involving the movement of the brain. In short can be physical as well understood in all circumstances involving the stimulus or activity of the physical organs.
• cognitive
Koralek et al 1995, Syah 1995 & 2002 Armstrong holds kongnitif comes from the word congnition Knowing that means knowing the pattern developing. And next term cognitive become popular as a world of psychology or human behavior that includes every mental-related understanding, consideration and processing of information problem-solving.
• emotional
Shapiro 2001, holds true in the emotional role in the start of rearing and educating children. That the skills of emotional EQ to make the same high-spirited children in learning to love in by friends in the arena and play help children to come forward.
• Social
Koralek Kartono et al 1995 & 1995, the child's ability to be able to socialize with people and objects in the environment. Child is a personal social relationship and that requires communication with other people to treat themselves, with that he can develop into adults.
• Languages
Koralek Semiawan et al 1995 & 2002, the language as a means to express themselves (the expression) is also capturing thoughts and feelings of others. Primarily speak a language development is also very influenced by the emotional life. The development of language related to the intellectual development of children.
3. Respect individual differences.
Kartono, held since 1995 children have been born characteristics and behavior, karekteristik the individual. The characteristics of the characters there is a birth that tends to remain very strong stand up to adults. Then the child will show the value and dignity of their own. We must acknowledge that the individual child is different, then this shows the individual differences in values and differences in children that is supported by differences in value systems lead to differences in child response of each child against the influence of the environment, business counseling and education.
4. Develop self (attitude / you / your child about your own).
According Savere 2000, Develop self to the child can be done in a way: Show the child that it is important to treat it with respect. Invite your children that you try to attempt it was very important for success, perseverance is useful. Invite your children to receive benefits as well as lack of. Invite your child to the frustration, chaos is part of life. Invite your children will love to support himself, became good friends for himself is important. Invite your child to appreciate the reasons for living, the reasons for the relationship.
5. Non-discriminatory (Race, religion, race, gender)
According Kartono 1995, in the first phase of the material and spiritual children have not been separated, meaning that children can not understand the difference / which is the union unanimously. Therefore penghayatan expressed freely, spontaneous and honest in every movement, behavior and language. According Patmonodewo 2001, through the observation of children playing on the women and men said that the way they play shows the difference. Some experts argued that the difference has been taken since birth (genetic factors). Meanwhile, other experts say that the difference is caused due to nurture a different way since the child was born. As a teacher in education is not recommended for pre distinguish facilities & activities play between boys and girls. Thus, each child will get the opportunity to develop a wide range of activities in and play skills.
6. Involving children growing environment (both parents, family, and society)
According to Brazelton 1992 & Patmonodewo 2000, parents (father-mother) is the person who first formed a relationship with the child, even as their parents have a different choice, namely the role of parents as teachers, volunteers, as decision makers and members of the team cooperation of teachers -parents. In the role allows parents to help improve the growth and development (emotional behavior), progress (interest & talent) of their children. Koralek dkk 2001 & Shapiro 2001, the growth and development supported by the family. The process in which the family use all their capabilities. Invites children to provide a precedent: a role in the family included in the problem-solving. Families should be fair, respect, honesty so that children can imitate. In the family must encourage the development of emotional & social skills for their success. Patmonodewo 2001, many different people around the children can be distinguished in age, sex, occupation, and education level. Child's environment better when people in the surrounding educated than the educated who do not.
7. Freely without coercion
Koralek Rahmawati et al 1995 & 2001, Children can do things without any pressure from parents and teachers. Children must be subject diangggap by family or by the education world. So that the child is able to express themselves, the content and make them believe in themselves, capable of pouring imagination. Dare to express himself with the child will be creative.
8. Secure and protect
According Koralek et al 1995, Children feel secure when children grow in the environment (parents, schools and communities) condescend. With in the environment that supports the development of the child so the child that has become a personal sense of self confidence, able to express themselves in a positive way, so that children feel free to develop interests, talents and creativity. Patmonodewo 2001, adding the school must also be available materials, space, a safe physical environment affects children, so it will feel free and not afraid to develop creativity.